The volunteers change every few weeks at the hospital. Each new person provides continuity for the pathology mission and gives the local staff a unique view on how to practice. Today is Dr. Wester’s last day and to celebrate we went out for dinner Abusua (a nice place a few kilometers from the house). We both decided to treat ourselves and ordered dinners without rice. The meal was fantastic and we were able to watch the Ghana womens soccer team tie North Korea. After dinner we tried to catch a cab back home, but being Friday night in Kumasi everybody was out on the town. We gave up and chose to get a drink at the first place we could find.

We settled in outside the Cadilac bar in the warm tropical night and were treated to two ice cold STAR Lagers for $2. Everything was perfect. Later that evening I went to the bathroom and noticed that the quality wasn’t quite up to the rest of the establishment. I include this section for our microbiologist fellow Dr. Burnham
who is a stickler for clean restrooms and isn’t fond of natures insect friends.
The room had a lovely tile floor with yellow tile walls. The ceiling had a slight mold problem and the toilet needed some servicing. Toilet paper was provided.

Overall I would give this establishment a 7/10. It was nice, the service was friendly, the drinks were cold, and the price was great. Somehow I don’t think my wife would rate it as high?
Ya I think Carey-Ann would rate the WC as a FAIL. I like the sound of $2 lager, reminds me of the beer prices at that wrestling match we went to in IL.
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